The End of Cloud Computing

Bryan Whiting
Jan 16, 2021

Peter Levine’s article, “The End of Cloud Computing” begins with an innovative question:

Subtract something that’s important today and fill it with something else, and you’ll start to think out of the box, as opposed to sequentially.

His article is inspiring. The future for data science, math, statistics, machine learning is just beginning. Not (specifically) in the AI-will-dominate-us sense, but in the nothing-won’t-have-ML-and-sensors sense.

Big trends:

  • Geospatial time series data
  • Sensor data (logs data)
  • On-device ML training and prediction
  • Even more connected devices
  • Less logic coding, more inference and prediction

This implies that data will design software, rather than coders designing software.

Yes, your umbrella, power drill, pillow, bed, shoes, [whatever], etc. will soon have sensors in it.



Bryan Whiting

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